This Morning we will explain article about what is Valvular Heart Disease. Heart valve disease is a disorder or disease of the heart valves, which cover network that regulates the flow of blood to and from the heart space.
Valvular heart disease formerly considered a disease that is always caused by rheumatism. Sequelae of acute rheumatic fever is a streptococcal pharyngitis caused by group A B-hemolytic rheumatic fever only arise in case of antibody or immunological response against streptococcal infection significantly earlier. Streptococcal infections associated with developmental factors and the transmission of infection as well as social factors.heart disease is a condition that is very important because of the death of death in the acute phase of the disease caused by this. Acute rheumatic fever can lead to inflammation in all layers of the heart which is called pankarditis. Rheumatic fever is caused by a bacterial infection that was not treated (usually strep throat). Fortunately, the introduction of antibiotics to treat this infection has dramatically reduced the number of these infections. Initial infection usually occurs in children, but the heart of the problem associated with the infection may not be seen until 20-40 years later. At that time, the heart valves become inflamed, the leaflets stick together and become scarred, rigid, thickened and shortened.
In addition to rheumatic diseases, there are some other causes that may lead to changes in valve function, namely:
1. valvular destruction by bacterial endocarditis
2. connective tissue defect from birth
3. muscle dysfunction and rupture of atherosclerotic coronary Because papiralis
4. congenital malformations
Patients with heart valve disease have one or more malfunctioning heart valves. There are several types of heart valve disease with different symptoms and treatment options.
Problems with heart valves may occur as a result of infection (the most common infective endocarditis and rheumatic fever), degeneration, or abnormal offspring.
Causes and Symptoms
Infective endocarditis - Most people healthy, normal heart is not a significant risk for a heart valve infection is. Igh with rheumatic fever, with scarring, or heart disease descent, possibly affected by this disease.
Oral surgery or surgery involving the mouth, bladder, prostate, or female pelvic organs increases the risk of these infections. The disease may also occur in drug addicts who inject drugs through their veins using non-sterile needles, even if they have normal heart valves.
Patients who have a febrile illness may feel weak, lethargic, night sweats, chills, and joint inflammation.
In patients where the disease develops slowly, symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, enlarged spleen, various skin rashes or spots, and a heart murmur.
Rheumatic fever - This is due to an allergic response to certain types of streptococcal bacteria. If this happens, it may often occur in children who have untreated streptococcal infection completely.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease can result from only one or a few attacks of rheumatic fever.
Symptoms of rheumatic fever include fever, joint pain, and either a lump under the skin or the onset of redness on the skin.
Other heart valve disease - With aging, a collection of calcium causes thickening and leakage of the heart valves. Heart attacks can guess the structure of the mitral valve damage, and certain connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome and myxomatus degeneration, can also adversely affect the heart valves.
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