Hypertension is not just a mere elevation of blood pressure, but it is a major risk factor impaired function of various organs such as the brain, kidneys and heart. The higher pressure the blood, the risk of organ damage organs more expensive. Each year 7 million people in
worldwide die from hypertension. Global health problem associated with hypertension isfelt worried and financing of health spending is high. In 2000alone there are nearly one billion people who suffer from hypertension, and this number expected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2025 two-thirds of patients with hypertensionliving in poor and developing countries.Most of the direct cause of hypertension is unknown. Various factors associated withgenetic and lifestyle such as physical inactivity, intake of foods rich in salt and fat as well as smoking and drinking alcohol plays a role in the surge in numbers of this hypertension.
Most people with hypertension do not feel any complaints. Zero complaints is what made a lot of people ignore the blood pressure spike. Still many people of the world who are less aware and alert to real threats hypertension The World Hypertension League for concern, so as specify any date this LeagueMay 17 as World Hypertension Day. World Hypertension Day serve as a momentum for global public awareness of the importance of preventing and controlling blood pressure. In 2011 the World Hypertension Day theme is "Know Your Number and Target Your Blood Pressure "(Know Your Blood Pressure and Control). This paper intended to recall the importance of considering blood pressure. Inspecifically discussed the relationship of hypertension and heart disease.
The pressure required for the constancy of blood flow that carries oxygen, nutrients and hormons to all body cells. Blood is pumped to the heart muscle generates pressure so it can flow through the blood vessels of the body when spread, estimated length is equal to 100 thousand km or 2.5 times the distance around the earth. Blood pressure is always listed with two numbers, for example 120/80. Figures 120 is the systolic pressure is the maximum pressure of the blood vessels when the heart contracts.Figure 80 is the diastolic pressure is the minimum blood pressure after the heart contracts. Blood pressure was measured with a single mmHg. What is blood pressure that is actually safe for body is a topic that continues to be the study of the experts. The current consensus of experts hypertension mention that blood pressure is considered normal if it is in the rangebelow 120/80 mmHg. Considered to have hypertension if your blood pressure reaches140/90 mmHg and above. The higher your blood pressure the greater the risk.Vigilance will trigger the arrival of hypertension experts to make classification prehypertension is systolic blood pressure in the range of 120-139 mmHg or a pressure diastolic blood is at a value of 80-90 mmHg.
Hypertension and Heart Disorders
Hypertension potentially cause a variety of cardiac disorders such as coronary heart disease,heart failure to heart rhythm disturbances. Research results of the World Health Organization (WHO)showed nearly half of the cases of heart attack triggered by high blood pressure.Blood pressure continued to rise in the long term would disrupt endothelial function,cells lining the blood vessel wall. Endothelial dysfunction is starting a processformation of crusts that can narrow the coronary vessels canal, vessels that into the path of nutrients and energy for the heart. As a result, supply of essential substances for life heart cells so disturbed. Even in certain circumstances the elevation of blood pressure can coronary plaques crack it, so the blood flow so clogged that result in events heart attack. People with high blood pressure doubled the risk of suffering from diseases coronary heart disease. The risk of heart disease more than doubled if the patient blood pressure
high also suffered from diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, or used to smoke.Not only the coronary vessels affected by hypertension, but also muscle heart. Continuous blood pressure high will overload the left ventricle of the heart muscle serves as the primary pump blood. Initially the left ventricle muscle will thicken as compensation to overcome the burden of blood pressure. When the elevation of pressure never addressed the cardiac pump function would be decreased. Weak heart function due to hypertension
is a condition that can not be restored. Current medications only able to prevent decrease the progression of heart function. Hypertension can also cause heart rhythm disturbances. Rhythm disturbances are the most
often are called atrial fibrillation, a type of heart rhythm that makes auricle vibrates irregularly. This rhythm disorders can lead to blood clots in the heart chambers. When these blood clots can be separated
burrow clog blood vessels of the brain and cause a stroke.
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
Treatment of hypertension can now be done more easily than ever before. Have various types of hypertension medications available that can be customized with a variety of conditions accompanies hypertension. Hypertensive drugs are not always expensive either. Has been available for broad generic hypertension drug with a relatively affordable price. Because hypertension usually accompanied by other risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia and diabetes thentreatment of comorbid risk factors seem to be important. In the coming era, willdeveloping so-called pharmacogenetic treatment of hypertension. In this method, drugs given will be tailored to the person's response genes.
Antihypertensive drugs will not act effectively when not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. Even healthy lifestyle is the main strategy of prevention and control of hypertension. Lifestyle helpful healthy lifestyle which are active, maintaining a healthy weight, eating balanced nutrition by reducing salt intake and stopping smoking.Related to this healthy lifestyle, the role of medical experts is limited. Required extensive role
government and society including non-governmental organizations and political organizations totogether to encourage and develop the healthy lifestyle. So, let's DayWorld Hypertension we make the right momentum for joint reflection materials andjoint initiative movement.
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