This morning we will give you a post about the types of heart disease this post is a continuation of our previous post titled Tips to Prevent Heart diseas
Various Heart Disease. Many kinds of heart disease. The
sufferer also often exposed to more than one disorder (complication). Here are
some types of heart disease that need to be known. This list is just some of
the dozens of other types of heart problems that can threaten us.
State of the heart muscle is weak is congenital. A weak
heart muscle makes the patient can not do excessive activity, due to the
excessive activity of the heart also will trigger a performance that feels
increasingly severe pain in the chest and body appear bluish. People with weak
heart muscle will often faint.
There is a gap between the left atrium and the right atrium
due to imperfect layer is formed which separates the second platform since the
patient was in the womb. This causes the blood mixing clean and dirty blood.
This could lead to heart disease sufferers should not do strenuous activity
because people will soon feel the shortness of breath and her body looks bluish
although there is no pain in the chest.
Various Heart Disease can we differentiate by the following
• Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is caused by a thickened artery walls due to
fat, cholesterol and other cells that settles discharges so that the blood
supply to the muscle cells having inhibition. Ateroskleroris can occur anywhere
in the body. Well, when it occurs in the heart wall it will be referred to as
coronary disease or ischemic heart disease. The disease is chronic and lasts
many diseases arise. This disease starts from the presence of vascular lesions
and cracks, especially because there is a strong pressure on the heart vessels.
Then in the next stage, the body will attempt to repair the cracks by placing
the fatty substances in the blood vessels. Well, then gradually due to the
recurrent fractures, heart vessels were covered by fatty substances. The
initial symptoms of this disease is angina pectoris which causes pain in the
heart and chest area due to reduced blood supply in the heart.
• Acute myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is the death of heart muscle caused by
blockage of the coronary arteries.
• Heart Valve Disorders
Heart valve has a function to control the blood flow in the
heart. Well if the heart valve abnormalities, it will interfere with the blood
flow, the reduction, leakage, or imperfect closing. The heart valve
abnormalities may be congenital or due to side effects of treatment.
• Congestive Heart Failure
Heart failure is a heart that is no longer able to pump
blood around the body effectively. Said to fail not because the heart stops
working, but also because the heart can not pump as strong as usual. As a
result, blood can enter the lungs or other body parts.
• Cardiomyopathy
This disease is caused by damage or disruption to the heart
muscle so that the walls of the heart become completely immobile when pumping
blood and blood sucking. Of people with cardiomyopathy are also at high risk
for suffering arritmatia and heart failure.
• Arritmatia
Arrhythmias has the meaning 'abnormal heart rhythm' caused
by excitatory disturbances and delivery excitatory light or heavy heart.
• Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic heart disease is heart disease caused due to
damage, cardiac valves caused by rheumatic fever. Streptococcal bacteria are
one of the causes.
• Inflammatory Heart
This disease occurs in the heart wall, the membrane that
surrounds the heart and inside the heart. This is caused by toxins and
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