Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cara Ampuh Menghilangkan Jerawat Membandel

Pada malam hari ini kami akan memberikan artikel lesehatan lebih jelasnya tentang Cara ampuh menghilangkan jerawat artikel ini merupakan lanjutan dari postingan kami sebelumnya yang berjudul tentang cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami baiklah langsung saja

Cara menghilangkan Jerawat dengan bahan Kimia

Saat ini banyak orang yang tidak mau repot dengan bahan alami karena bahan alami mesti diolah sendiri karena itulah produk kimia lebih diminati karena praktis. Habis beli tinggal pakai.
Namun, berhati-hatilah! Ada banyak krim yang melabeli diri sebagai ‘krim penghilang bekas jerawat’ tapi hanya sedikit diantaranya yang aman dan benar-benar ampuh.
Jika Anda salah pilih, mungkin wajah Anda terlihat kinclong sesaat tetapi sebulan kemudian bisa lebih parah! Serem ya tapi itulah kenyataanya. Berikut tips singkat cara memilih produk kecantian yang aman:

Lihat izin produksi dan tanggal kadaluarsa

Pastikan produk yang Anda ingin gunakan ada ijin dari  Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM).
Jangan lupa juga untuk mengecek tanggal kadaluarsa produk. Bisa bahaya jika kamu sampai menggunakan produk kadaluarsa!
Cek bahan-bahan produk
Pastikan bahwa tidak ada bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya, seperti parabens, phthalates, merkuri, triclosan, propylene glycol, dan petroleum yang terkandung di dalam produk. Memilih produk dengan bahan dasar alami sangat disarankan.

Khusus untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat, carilah produk yang mengandung


Tretinoin merupakan derivat vitamin A, nama dagang yg dikenal di pasaran termasuk RetinA, Vitacid, Stieva A, Renova etc. Cara kerja tretinoin adalah dengan meningkatkan turnover kulit dan memicu produksi kolagen. Kolagen inilah yang akan memacu pembentukan sel kulit baru menggantikan sel sel kulit yang rusak (bekas jerawat) Yang harus diingat kalo menggunakan tretinoin adalah WAJIB pake sunblock dan Tretinoin cuma dipake malem hari.
Cara pakai:
Bersihkan wajah
Tunggu 15-20 menit baru pake tretinoin
Untuk yang baru pake, sebaiknya dimulai bertahap: dipake tiap 3 hari selama 1/2 minggu, setelah itu tiap 2 hari baru ntar tiap hari.. untuk ngurangi resiko iritasi
Note: Jangan dipake barengan sama produk yg mengandung benzoyl peroxide (BP) atopun salicylic acid karena bisa menyebabkan iritasi.
Contoh produknya apa?
Vitacid 0,025, 0,05, atau 0,1 Vitacid merupakan obat bekas jerawat yang ampuh. Untuk pemula pakai kadar yang paling rendah dulu (0,025). Jangan coba-coba langsung pake yang 0,1, muka kamu bisa terbakarVitacid berfungsi menyembuhkan dan mengeringkan jerawat beserta bekas-bekasnya.Cara Pakai:
Bersihkan wajah
Ambil krim sebiji jagung
Oleskan merata ke bagian yang ada bekas jerawatnya
Pada saat awal pemakaian, Anda akan memasuki masa Purging, masa dimana jerawat baik yang kecil-kecil bahkan sampe jerawat batu muncul. Tapi jangan khawatir, normalnya masa purging ini hanya berlangsung 1 – 2 minggu.
Saya ingatkan, Vitacidnya cuma dipake dimalam hari. Pagi harinya pake sun block ato BB cream ya.
Harganya? Murah! Cuma Rp 20,000 – Rp 30,000

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA)
Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) bekerja menghapus sel-sel kulit mati dan rusak, membantu mengurangi garis-garis halus, bintik-bintik hitam, serta bekas jerawat. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena AHA mampu menembus kulit, sehingga bisa langsung bekerja untuk memperbaiki jaringan di kulit. Manfaat AHA yang paling utama adalah untuk mengelupas permukaan kulit sehingga sel-sel kulit mati bisa terkelupas dan mempercepat produksi sel-sel kulit batu, sehingga kulit menjadi lebih cerah dan segar.
Lagi lagi, jangan lupa pake sun block kalo kamu pake AHA karena AHA akan meningkatkan kepekaan kulit Anda terhadap sinar matahari.

Ponds White Beauty Cleansing Milk
Fungsi utama cleansing milk atau susu pembersih wajah adalah mengangkat seluruh kotoran yang menempel pada kulit wajah kamu. Jika kamu menggunakan cleansing milk, kulit wajah akan terasa halus dan tetap menjaga kelembapan kulit wajah. Cleansing milk cenderung aman sekalipun untuk kulit kering yang membutuhkan produk wajah yang membuat wajah tetap lembab.Cleansing milk ini dilengkapi dengan Pearl Nutrients, Vitamin B3 dan AHA yang mampu mengangkat kotoran dan make up, tanpa membuat kulit menjadi kering.
Cara Pakai:
Usapkan cleansing milk ini pada seluruh bagian wajah dan leher
Bersihkan dengan menggunakan kapas
Pada saat awal pemakaian, mungkin beberapa dari kamu akan melihat kulit wajah kamu terkelupas. Jangan khawatir, itu sel kulit mati yang terkelupas.
Harganya? Murah! Cuma Rp 14,000

Mungkin sampai disini saja perjumpaan kita dalam artikel cara ampuh mengobati jerawat apabila jerawat anda tidak kunjung sembuh saya sarankan agar anda pergi ke dokter spesialis kulit atau komentar di bawah bangkali kami bisa menjawabnya

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami

Solusi  mengobati Jerawat secara alami-Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami , Jerawat memang sangat mengganggu penampilan terutama bagi para remaja, bagaimana tidak jerawat bisa mengubah kepercayaan diri seseorang dari yang wajah cantik bisa menjadi jelek akibat jerawat
oleh sebab itulah kami akan memberikan tips cara menghilangkan jerawat
tips menghilangkan jerawat ini terdapat dua metode yaitu  metode alami dan metode kimia

cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami

1.Minyak pohon teh 

     Oleskan minyak pohon teh di tempat yang berjerawat di wajah atau muka anda. minyak ini akan membantu mengeringkan kulit. Banyak orang telah menemukan bahwa hal ini akan mengurangi penumpukan minyak pada pori-pori

2.Madu Asli  

     Madu asli memiliki khasiat yang luar biasa untuk kesehatan dan juga kecantikan. Madu ternyata bisa juga dimanfaatkan untuk menghilangkan jerawat. caranya cukup oleskan madu di bagian yang berjerawat dan diamkan selama 10-20menit.
3.Teh Hijau 

     teh hijau dipercaya bisa dan mampu menghilangkan jerawat yang ada di wajah kita. hal ini karena didalam teh hijau mengandug unsur yang dapat mencegah kita dari bahaya radikal bebas dan bisa juga membantu mengurangi jerawat.


    Mentimun memiliki kadar air yang banyak yang dipercaya mampu membantu mengurangi jerawat dengan membuag racun yang menutupi pori-pori.

5.Kuning Telur 

    Selain enak untuk di goreng dan di makan, ternyata kuning telur juga bisa membantu kita menghilangkan jerawat. cukup oleskan kuning telur ke daerah yang berjerawat, diamkan selama 10 menit dan bilas  


    Jahe yang biasanya kita jumpai di dapur untuk bumbu ternyata bisa juga kita manfaatkan untuk mengobati jerawat. caranya dengan di parut dan kemudian di usapkan di wajah yang berjerawat.

7.Jeruk nipis

    Jeruk nipis juga dipercaya bisa membantu anda dalam memberantas jerawat di wajah. hal ini bisa anda lakukan saat ingin tidur dengan mengusapkan perasan jeruk nipis tadi.

8.Dengan daun sirih 

    Jerawat bisa juga dihilangkan salah satunya dengan daun sirih. caranya dengan merebus daun sirih tersebut, kemudian dinginkan airnya dan kemudian gunakanlah air tersebut untuk cuci muka.

9.Bawang Putih  

    Coba juga menggunakan bawang putih untuk mengobati jerawat karena bawang putih sudah dipercaya sejak dulu mampu mengobati jeraawat yang membandel di wajah anda.

10.Jauhkan tangan Anda dari daerah jerawat 

     Karena Jari-jari Anda mengambil kotoran dan minyak ke wajah Anda, yang membuat jerawat lebih parah . Cobalah untuk menyadari gerakan anda agar tangan anda yang kotor tidak menyentuh jerawat anda

11.Memperbanyak air putih 

    Cara lain untuk menghilangkan jerawat adalah dengan memperbanyak minum air putih. minum aor putihlah yang banyak. usahakan sehari bisa minum 8 gelas.

12.Jaga kebersihan Ponsel 

    Percaya atau tidak, kebiasaan telepon Anda bisa mendatangkan malapetaka pada wajah Anda. Hp Anda dapat mengambil minyak dan kotoran dari wajah Anda, kemudian Hp atau ponsel akan menempel setiap kali Anda menggunakannya. Bersihkan ponsel Anda secara teratur dengan alkohol untuk tetap bersih dan bebas dari minyak.

13.Stop makeup berbasis minyak

    Karena akan menyumbat pori-pori Anda ketika memilih untuk menggunakan produk ini. Selain itu, masalah jerawat bisa disebabkan oleh jenis make up. Beberapa kosmetik menyatakan bebas dari minyak, tetapi klaim mereka yang menyesatkan.
14.Selalu menjaga Kebersihan muka 

    Kebersihan muka atau wajah adalah sangat penting karena jerawat tumbuh dan berkembang dari wajah yangkotor dan mengandung bakteri. Utuk itu usahakan agar wajah anda selalu terawat dan bebas dari kotoran.

15. Pasta Gigi

    Selain dapat membersihkan gigi, namun cara menghilangkan jerawat juga bisa dengan menggunakan pasta gigi. Caranya, sebelum tidur kita hanya cukup mengoleskan pasta gigi di sekitar wajah yang berjerawat, lalu biarkan sampai pagi dan bilas menggunakan air bersih.

Itulah aritkel cara mengobati jerawaat secara alami untuk mengetahui cara mengobatan jerawat secara kimia anda bisa membaca artikelnya disini

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cara Mengobati Penyakit Tipes Secara Alami

Pada malam hari ini kami akan memberikan artikel kesehatan tentang penyakit tipes (tipus) lebih tepatnya lagi tentang cara mengobati penyakit tipus secara alami artikel ini merupakan lanjutan dari postingan kami sebelumnya yang berjudul cara mengobati penyakit Ginjal Secara alami baiklah langsung saja

Penyakit tipus atau tipes Disebabkan oleh bakteri salmonella bakteri ini menyerang usus dengan bertahap. penyakit tipes tergolong ke dalam penyakit berbahaya walaupun tingkat bayanya tidak seperti penyakit jantung dan penyakit kronis lainnya penyakit tipes termasuk penyakit bahaya karena penyakit ini bisa menular lewat perantara makanan yang sudah terinfeksi bakteri salmonella seperti yang tertulis diatas. penyakit ini bisa di obati. baik secara Alami maupun secara kimiawi untuk pengobatan secara alami bisa menggunakan tumbuh tumbuhan seperti daun keji beling , daun ,sambiloto serai mentimun kunyit dan masih banyak lagi. agar lebih jelasnya berikut kami berikan cara pengobatan penyakit tipeus secara alami:

1.Pengobatan Menggunakan Daun Biji beling

Rebuslah daun keji beling denga 2 1/2 liter air dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Setelah dingin minumlah 2 kali sehari sampai gejala tipus itu membaik.

2.Pengobatan Melalui Buah mentimun

  Parutlah mentimun segar sampai halus. Setelah itu peraslah timun yang sudah diparut tadi. Minumlah secara rutin 2 atau 3 kali sehari pagi  sore dan malam hari selama satu minggu.

3. Pengobatan Menggunakan Daun Sambiloto

  Potong kecil daun Sambiloto, kemudian rebus selama 20 menit. Saring dan minum setelah dingin secara teratur lebih baiknya minumlah secara rutin 2-3 kali Pagi dan Sore Hari

4.Pengobatan Menggunakan Temulawak

 Potong kecil temulawak, kemudian rebus selama 20 menit. Saring dan minum setelah dingin secara teratur lebih baiknya minumlah secara rutin 2-3 kali Pagi dan Sore Hari

5.Pengobatan Menggunakan Jinten Hitam

rebus selama 20 menit. Saring dan minum setelah dingin secara teratur lebih baiknya minumlah secara rutin 2-3 kali Pagi dan Sore Hari

Itulah beberapa cara Mengobati Penyakit Tipus Secara alami Semoga dengan mengikuti langkah langkah diatas dapat mengobati penyakit tipes para pembaca sekalian apabila ada yang perlu ditanyakan silahkan anda bertanya di kotak komentar di bawah insyaallah komentar anda akan saya tanggapi...

Cara Mengobati Penyakit Ginjal Secara Alami

Pada pagi hari ini kami akan memberikan artikel kesehatan tentang penyakit ginjal lebih tepatnya tentang cara mengobati penyakit ginjal secara alami.penyakit ginjal  merupakan penyakit yang banyak penderitanya di indonesia karena ginjal merupakan suatu organ yang berfungsi menyaring kotoran dari darah serta membuangnya bersama air atu disebut urin. Ginjal merupakan bagian penting dari sitem urin kita. Jika terjadi kerusakan pada ginjal bisa berakibat fatal. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan penyakit ginjal diantaranya sering menahan kencing terlalu lama, kurang asupan air putih, kadar garam dalam urin terlalu pekat, terlalu banyak kandungan zat kimia dalam urin, kadar asam urat terlalu banyak serta kelebihan vitamin D.

di bawah ini berbagai macam gejala- gejala penyakit ginjal

Ginjal menghilangkan limbah dan cairan yang tersisa dari tubuh. Ketika ginjal tidak mampu bekerja dengan baik, kelebihan cairan tubuh ini akan menyebabkan pembengkakan di tangan, kaki, pergelangan kaki, dan wajah Anda.

Pusing dan konsentrasi menurun
Anemia yang berhubungan dengan penyakit ginjal dapat menghambat aliran oksigen ke otak, sehingga menyebabkan pusing dan pada beberapa kasus juga menimbulkan masalah konsentrasi.

Sesak napas
Penyakit ginjal menyebabkan cairan menyebar ke dalam paru-paru. Sedangkan anemia sebagai efek samping dari penyakit ginjal menyebabkan oksigen berkurang dari dalam tubuh. Dua faktor ini menyebabkan Anda mengalami kesulitan mengatur napas.

Darah dalam urine
Ini adalah gejala dari penyakit ginjal yang perlu Anda waspadai. Disarankan untuk mengunjungi dokter jika Anda melihat perubahan pada urine, terutama ketika muncul bercak darah.

Merasa sangat lelah dan lemah
Ginjal Anda menghasilkan hormon yang disebut eritropoietin. Hormon ini menyebabkan penurunan sel darah merah dalam tubuh sehingga menyebabkan anemia. Ketika ginjal bermasalah, hal lain yang muncul adalah penurunan pengiriman oksigen ke sel-sel tubuh yang menyebabkan kelemahan dan kelelahan tubuh yang ekstrem.

Mual dan muntah
Penumpukan limbah dalam darah pada penyakit ginjal dapat menyebabkan mual dan muntah. Gagal ginjal menyebabkan tingkat urea dalam darah (uremia) meningkat. Urea ini dipecah menjadi amonia dalam air liur yang menyebabkan bau mulut.

Ruam kulit dan gatal
Gagal ginjal menyebabkan penumpukkan kotoran dalam darah Anda. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan gatal-gatal dan ruam kulit yang parah.

Merasa dingin sepanjang waktu
Jika memiliki penyakit ginjal, tubuh Anda mungkin terasa dingin padahal udara di sekitar terasa hangat. Hal ini disebabkan pengaruh kurangnya sel darah atau anemia. Infeksi ginjal (pielonefritis) dapat menyebabkan demam dan menggigil.

Dibawah ini terdapat beberapa tanaman hebal yang dapat mengobati penyakit Ginjal:


1. Bahan bahan
    Daun meniran
    Daun ungu
    Daun arbei
    Daun duduk
    Daun kumis kucing
    Daun sendokan
    Daun ngikilo
 Caranya: Cuci bersih semua bahan, kemudian rebus sampai benar benar mendidih. Saring dan biarkan sampai airnya hangat. Minumlah ramuan ini secara teratur.

2. Bahan bahan
    Daun alpukat segar
    Air panas
 Caranya: Daun alpukat yang sudah dicuci bersih dimasukan ke dalam gelas, kemudian seduh dengan air panas. Minumlah ramuan tersebut 2 kali sehari dan ingat ramuan ini cuma sekali minum.

3. Bahan bahan
    Daun keji beling ditumbuk halus
    Daun kumis kucing
    Daun meniran dicabut dengan akarnya
 Caranya: Rebuslah semua bahan dengan air sebanyak 1 liter. Biarkan hingga air tinggal separuhnya. Kemudian saring, minumlah setiap hari secara teratur selamalima hari berturut turut.

4. Bahan bahan
    Pucuk daun keji beling
    Rambut jagung muda
    Temulawak diiris tipis
    Daun kumis kucing
    Gula merah
    Garam dapur

 Caranya: Rebus pucuk daun keji beling, temulawak,rambut jagung, kumis kucing. Biarkan sampai mendidih. Kemudian tambahkan gula merah dan garam secukupnya. Setelah dingin minumlah 3 kali sehari secara rutin.

mungkin sampai disini perjumpaan kita dalam artikle cara mengobati penyakit ginjal secara alami semoga setelah membaca artikle ini bertambahlah pengetahuan anda tentang penyakit ginjal

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ciri Ciri Penyakit Jantung

Pada kesempatan kali ini  kami akan memberikan artikel tentang penyakit jantung lebih tepatnya lagi tentang ciri-ciri atau gejala-gejala penyakit jantung , sebagaimana yang kita tahu penyakit jantung merupakan pembunuh nomer satu di dunia. di Indonesia sendiri penyakit jantung menempati posisi teratas sebagai pembunuh manusia, baru setelah itu kecelakan lalu lintas dan penyakit kangker  (kantong kering)
Penyakit jantung sering kali di abaikan penderitanya bukan hanya kurangnya pengetahuan tentang  gejala penyakit jantung tapi juga karena mahalnya perawatan dan pengobatan penyakit ini. Dari hari ke hari penderita penyakit jantung di Indonesia semakin bertambah bukan hanya dari kalangan orang dewasa yang di sebabkan dari faktor usia tetapi juga dari kalangan remaja bahkan anak-anak sekalipun 
Seperti yang tertulis sebelumnya rata rata penderita awal penyakit jantung kurang memperhatikan bahkan ada yang sengaja mengabaikan gejala gejala penyakit ini. Dengan sikap yang seperti itu akan berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan mereka di kemudian hari .yang lebih parah lagi penyakit jantung terbagi menjadi beberapa jenis di antaranya Jantung koroner , jantung rematik ,jantung hipertensif dan penyakit jantung bawaan yang di sebabkan oleh paru – paru . dengan begitu penderita akan sulit menentukan jenis penyakit jantung apa yang di deritanya selain itu penderita juga akan mengalami kesulitan terkait dengan masalah pencarian pengobatan secara intensif.
Beberapa gejala – gejala penyakit jantung yang sering di abaikan adalah 
1. Cemas yang berlebihan
2. Sering kelelahan
3. Pembengkakan kaki dan perut
4. Nyeri di dada
5. Nafas terasa sesak
6. Mual berlebihan
7. Denyut jantung yang tidak teratur ritmenya
8. Sering berkeringat
Penyakit jantung timbul karena pola hidup yang tidak teratur dan kurangnya perhatiian pada kondisi fisik tubuh di beberapa kasus di amerika serikat banyak orang meninggal dunia karena serangan jantung serangan ini terjadi secara mendadak dan seketika sang penderita pun langsung meninggal dunia. Sebenarnya kelainan pada jantung sudah bisa di deteksi dengan kita mengenali gejalanya dan segera mengobatinya lebih baik lagi apabila kita melakukan pencegahan terlebih dahulu.

Mungkin sampai di sini saja artikel mengenai gejala-gejala penyakit jantung apabila yang masih kurang jelas bisa di tanyakan di kotak komentar di bawah sekian dan terimaksih 

Cara Mengobati Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

Pada malam hari ini kami akan memberikan artikel mengenai penyakit diabetes Melitus lebih jelasnya tentang Cara Mengobati Penyakit Diabetes Melitus baiklah langsung saja berikut artikelnya
Pengertian dari Diabetes mellitus (atau kencing manis) adalah suatu kondisi kronis, yang mempengaruhi kemampuan tubuh Anda untuk menggunakan energi yang ditemukan dalam makanan.dalam pengertian yang lainnya diabetes melitus merupakan   kelainan metabolik yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, dengan simtoma berupa hiperglikemia kronis dan gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein, sebagai akibat dari:

  1. defisiensi sekresi hormon insulin, aktivitas insulin, atau keduanya.[2]
  2. defisiensi transporter glukosa.
  3. atau keduanya

Penyakit diabetes sendiri mempunyai beberapa jenis yaitu diabetes tipe 1 diabetes tipe 2 dan diabetes gestasional

Gambar Penderita diabetes melitus

 gambar diabetes melitus 1
 gambar diabetes melitus 2
 gambar diabetes melitus 3
 gambar diabetes melitus 4
 gambar diabetes melitus 4
 gambar diabetes melitus 5
 gambar diabetes melitus 6
gambar diabetes melitus 7

Diabetes tipe 1

Diabetes tipe 1 juga disebut diabetes anak-anak , karena sering dimulai pada masa kanak-kanak.

Diabetes tipe 1 adalah kondisi autoimun. Ini disebabkan oleh tubuh yang  menyerang pankreas sendiri dengan antibodi. Pada penderita diabetes tipe 1, pankreas yang rusak tidak membuat insulin.

Diabetes tipe ini dapat disebabkan oleh kecenderungan genetik. Hal ini juga bisa menjadi hasil dari sel-sel beta di pankreas yang rusak yang biasanya memproduksi insulin.

Sejumlah risiko medis yang terkait dengan diabetes tipe 1. Banyak dari mereka berasal dari kerusakan pada pembuluh darah kecil di mata Anda (disebut retinopati diabetik), saraf (neuropati diabetik), dan ginjal (nefropati diabetik). Bahkan dapat  meningkatnya risiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.

Diabetes tipe 2

Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 adalah kondisi medis yang ditandai dengan ketidakcukupan atau gangguan fungsi insulin. Insulin adalah suatu hormon yang mengatur ambilan glukosa, sumber energi yang penting untuk tubuh. Tanpa insulin, glukosa tidak dapat memasuki sel dan tetap berada di dalam aliran darah, menyebabkan kadar glukosa darah tinggi.

 Penyebab gejala, seperti peningkatan rasa haus dan berkemih, rasa lelah dan kehilangan berat badan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Diabetes tipe 2 sering ditemukan pada orang-orang yang kelebihan berat badan karena kadar lemak yang tinggi, terutama pada daerah perut, diketahui menyebabkan tubuh menjadi resisten terhadap efek insulin (resistensi insulin). Oleh karena itu, meskipun insulin ada, tubuh tidak mampu berespon terhadap insulin tersebut secara adekuat. Tidak seperti diabetes tipe 1, yang dapat dikendalikan dengan injeksi insulin ke dalam tubuh secara teratur, penderita diabetes tipe 2 biasanya tidak memerlukan injeksi insulin tetapi harus menurunkan berat badan mereka untuk memperbaiki resistensi insulin. Perubahan gaya hidup, seperti berhenti merokok, menghindari minum alkohol, mempertahankan diet sehat dan menghindari makan terlalu banyak makanan bergula, sangat penting untuk mengendalikan diabetes tipe 2. Apabila diabetes tidak terkendali, hal ini dapat menyebabkan komplikasi yang berpotensi mengancam jiwa, seperti stroke, serangan jantung dan penyakit jantung koroner

Cara Mengobati Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

Pengobatan untuk diabetes tipe 1 melibatkan  insulin, yang perlu disuntikkan melalui kulit ke dalam jaringan lemak di bawah ini. Metode suntik insulin meliputi:

Jarum suntik
Pena insulin yang menggunakan kartrid pra-diisi dan jarum halus
Jet injector yang menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi untuk mengirim semprot insulin melalui kulit
Pompa insulin yang mengeluarkan insulin melalui tabung fleksibel untuk sebuah kateter bawah kulit perut
Sebuah tes periodik disebut tingkat perkiraan tes glukosa darah A1C dalam darah Anda selama tiga bulan sebelumnya. Ini digunakan untuk membantu mengidentifikasi tingkat kontrol glukosa secara keseluruhan dan risiko komplikasi dari diabetes, termasuk kerusakan organ.

Penderita diabetes tipe 1 dan 2  memerlukan perubahan gaya hidup yang signifikan yang meliputi:

1. Pengaturan gaya hidup sehat

Sangat penting bagi penderita diabetes untuk mengikuti aturan gaya hidup sehat. Penerapan gizi seimbang pada makanan akan berpengaruh pada jumlah kalori yang masuk sehingga turut mempengaruhi kadar gula darah. Olahraga rutin seperti bersepeda, jalan kaki, jogging dan berenang perlu dilakukan untuk membakar kalori dalam tubuh.

2. Pemberian obat hipoglikemik oral (OHO)

Pemberian obat hipoglikemik akan dilakukan apabila dalam jangka waktu dua minggu penerapan diet dan olah raga tidak mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah.

3. Pemberian insulin

Pemberian insulin akan dilakukan oleh tenaga medis apabila kedua cara di atas tidak efektif dalam menurunkan kadar gula

Penderita diabetes seharusnya rajin berkonsultasi untuk mengontrol kadar gula darah. Cara pengobatan diabetes melitus selain dengan ketiga cara di atas juga dapat dengan cara herbal alami. Pencegahan diabetes dengan diet makanan seimbang dan rutin berolahraga, sebaiknya dilakukan sedini mungkin agar tidak menyesal di kemudian hari
sampai disini perjumpaan kita dalam artikel mengenai Cara Mengobati Penyakit Diabetes apabila ada pertanyaan yang ingin di tanyakan anda bisa menanyakannya di kolom komentar dii bawah

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What is Atherosclerosis

what is Atherosclerosis On this night we will give you a post about heart disease Atherosclerosis this post is a continuation of our previous post titled What is valvular Heart Disease. Atherosclerosis is a common disorder in which there is hardening of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of fatty deposits, cholesterol and other substances, which together are known as plaques in the artery walls over the years. The formation of plaque in the arterial wall occurs over time, lifestyle factors such as smoking, high-fat foods, drinking too much alcohol and lack of exercise also contribute to the stiffness of the arteries and high blood cholesterol levels. The impact of atherosclerosis can be life threatening. The most commonly due to atherosclerosis is high blood pressure. With the hardening of the arteries and plaque formation, blood flow is blocked so it can not be effectively channeled to various parts of the body. This can cause tissue damage or death, which is also known as necrosis.

Blood clots can form in arteries and also causes the flow path is blocked. If pieces of plaque from the artery walls apart and moved to a smaller blood vessels, it can cause another blockage in blood flow. In more serious cases, an aneurysm (or bulge in a blood vessel) which is formed as a result of high blood pressure can rupture and cause internal bleeding person can not be saved by his life.


Atherosclerosis is caused by a buildup of fat and other substances in the blood vessel walls. Of fat will harden and form plaque. These plaques that block blood flow to the heart.

Blockage occurs slowly. The inside of the artery lined by endothelium, the thin layer of cells that serves to keep the artery remains taut and smooth. Arteries that make smoother blood circulation to the heart remains smooth. When the endothelium is damaged due to the effects of high blood pressure, effects of smoking, or high cholesterol, that's when plaques begin to form.

The next stage, bad cholesterol (LDL) into the blood vessel through the damaged endothelium. Cholesterol is then ingested by white blood cells. Over time, clumps of white blood cells "attack" bad cholesterol hardens and becomes plaque in the blood vessel walls. This plaque that inhibits blood circulation.

symptoms of Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis shows no symptoms of the condition. But found when another emergency arise. Because there is no clear sign of atherosclerosis, a person may not be aware of his condition for many years. As a result of prevalent atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries that is causing a decrease in blood flow to the heart and organs of the body. This can cause chest pain, gasping for breath and fatigue.

diagnosing Atherosclerosis 

A physical examination with other tests, can determine whether a person is suffering from atherosclerosis. The doctor listened vascular murmur, to determine whether there is a blockage in an artery.

Doppler test (using ultrasound), arteriogram (use of x-rays), CT angiography and magnetic resonance arteriography (MRA) is another examination can determine atherosclerosis in man.

treating Atherosclerosis 

Lifestyle changes have a major impact on the development of atherosclerosis. Because atherosclerosis can not be eliminated, changing unhealthy lifestyle can help prevent worsening of the condition. Positive lifestyle changes such as avoiding the consumption of fatty foods, limiting alcohol consumption every day, exercise and stop smoking, all of which help slow down the effects and prevent the worsening of atherosclerosis.

Drugs to treat high cholesterol can slow the formation of plaque in artery walls, thus slowing atherosclerosis. The doctor also may prescribe antiplatelet drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots. These drugs are combined with a healthy lifestyle, can help people avoid related problems such as heart failure and stroke

What is Valvular Heart Disease

This Morning we will explain article about what is Valvular Heart Disease. Heart valve disease is a disorder or disease of the heart valves, which cover network that regulates the flow of blood to and from the heart space.
Valvular heart disease formerly considered a disease that is always caused by rheumatism. Sequelae of acute rheumatic fever is a streptococcal pharyngitis caused by group A B-hemolytic rheumatic fever only arise in case of antibody or immunological response against streptococcal infection significantly earlier. Streptococcal infections associated with developmental factors and the transmission of infection as well as social factors.
heart disease is a condition that is very important because of the death of death in the acute phase of the disease caused by this. Acute rheumatic fever can lead to inflammation in all layers of the heart which is called pankarditis. Rheumatic fever is caused by a bacterial infection that was not treated (usually strep throat). Fortunately, the introduction of antibiotics to treat this infection has dramatically reduced the number of these infections. Initial infection usually occurs in children, but the heart of the problem associated with the infection may not be seen until 20-40 years later. At that time, the heart valves become inflamed, the leaflets stick together and become scarred, rigid, thickened and shortened.
In addition to rheumatic diseases, there are some other causes that may lead to changes in valve function, namely:
1. valvular destruction by bacterial endocarditis
2. connective tissue defect from birth
3. muscle dysfunction and rupture of atherosclerotic coronary Because papiralis
4. congenital malformations

Patients with heart valve disease have one or more malfunctioning heart valves. There are several types of heart valve disease with different symptoms and treatment options.
Problems with heart valves may occur as a result of infection (the most common infective endocarditis and rheumatic fever), degeneration, or abnormal offspring.

Causes and Symptoms
Infective endocarditis - Most people healthy, normal heart is not a significant risk for a heart valve infection is. Igh with rheumatic fever, with scarring, or heart disease descent, possibly affected by this disease.
Oral surgery or surgery involving the mouth, bladder, prostate, or female pelvic organs increases the risk of these infections. The disease may also occur in drug addicts who inject drugs through their veins using non-sterile needles, even if they have normal heart valves.
Patients who have a febrile illness may feel weak, lethargic, night sweats, chills, and joint inflammation.
In patients where the disease develops slowly, symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, enlarged spleen, various skin rashes or spots, and a heart murmur.
Rheumatic fever - This is due to an allergic response to certain types of streptococcal bacteria. If this happens, it may often occur in children who have untreated streptococcal infection completely.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease can result from only one or a few attacks of rheumatic fever.
Symptoms of rheumatic fever include fever, joint pain, and either a lump under the skin or the onset of redness on the skin.
Other heart valve disease - With aging, a collection of calcium causes thickening and leakage of the heart valves. Heart attacks can guess the structure of the mitral valve damage, and certain connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome and myxomatus degeneration, can also adversely affect the heart valves.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What is Heart Failure

This morning we will give you a post about what is heart failure post is a continuation of our previous post entitled The Types of Heart Disease Congestive Heart Failure is a condition when the network does not receive enough oxygen for a while. Pumping heart weakened due to various causes and causes the backup of blood and increases the pressure in the blood vessels. This increase in pressure then forces fluid from the blood vessels into the tissues of the body. If left untreated, the inability to pump blood around the body can be life threatening. 

Symptoms of Heart Failure 

• Shortness of panting 
• Frequent cough, especially when lying down 
• Swelling of the abdomen, legs and feet 
• Fatigue or lack of energy 
• Head feels dizzy or dizzy 
• Up weight due to fluid retention 

Diagnosing Heart Failure 

Coronary angiogram can be performed to diagnose the cause inhibition of heart failure. A dye is injected into the blood stream and explore all the blood vessels in the heart and the body. This dye is seen in x-ray examinations, thus making the blood vessels visible in the angiogram. This allows the doctor to find a blood vessel is blocked or narrowed. 

Available Treatment for Heart Failure 

Relying on the case of heart failure, there are various treatment options. 

Heart Valve Surgery 

For valve disease, valve surgery is recommended. Depend on the extent of damage to the heart valves, the valve should be repaired or replaced. 
A valve repair involves suturing a ring around the valve to tighten the wall. This procedure can also include cutting, shortening or make stronger valve to ensure that the valves open and close properly. 
If a valve can not be repaired, it can be replaced with a prosthetic valve. Prosthetic valves can be mechanical or biological valve (where tissue is taken from the cow, pig or human donors). Patients can discuss with your doctor what type of valve is right for them based on age, occupation, valve size, number of valves required and other factors. 


The Medicine are generally prescribed to those who suffer from heart failure. Various medications are prescribed to treat a variety of symptoms or contributing factors. 
  a blood thinner prescribed to prevent the formation of blood clots. It does not thin the blood clot that is preventing blood clots but are there to become larger. Other medicine  that work is similar Antiplatelet Materials that prevent blood platelets from sticking together. 
Angiotensin Converter Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE) inhibitor prescribed to expand the blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow and contribute to less cardiac effort. Angiotensin II receptor inhibitors are also used to minimize the effects of Angiotensin II on the heart and blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow. 
Beta-Adrenergic barrier material or commonly known as a beta blocker, lowers heart rate and cardiac output, allowing the heart to not expend more energy and power. It is usually prescribed to those who suffer from high blood pressure or arrhythmia. 
Diuretics are used to rid the body of excess fluid through urination. It is prescribed when there is excess fluid that is formed in the body, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. By removing the excess water in the body, diuretics help decrease blood pressure and energy expenditure in heart. 
Vasodilators are also known as Nitrates are prescribed to relax the blood vessels so that more blood to flow easier through the body and reduces the work the heart. Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator that is usually prescribed kind. These medicines help treat angina (chest pain). 
Cholesterol-lowering medicine such as statins, which help lower cholesterol clog arteries and blood vessel walls. These medicine help various organs such as the liver to destroy the cholesterol in the body more effectively.

The Types of Heart Disease

This morning we will give you a post about the types of heart disease this post is a continuation of our previous post titled Tips to Prevent Heart diseas
Various Heart Disease. Many kinds of heart disease. The sufferer also often exposed to more than one disorder (complication). Here are some types of heart disease that need to be known. This list is just some of the dozens of other types of heart problems that can threaten us.

State of the heart muscle is weak is congenital. A weak heart muscle makes the patient can not do excessive activity, due to the excessive activity of the heart also will trigger a performance that feels increasingly severe pain in the chest and body appear bluish. People with weak heart muscle will often faint.

There is a gap between the left atrium and the right atrium due to imperfect layer is formed which separates the second platform since the patient was in the womb. This causes the blood mixing clean and dirty blood. This could lead to heart disease sufferers should not do strenuous activity because people will soon feel the shortness of breath and her body looks bluish although there is no pain in the chest.

Various Heart Disease can we differentiate by the following facts:

• Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is caused by a thickened artery walls due to fat, cholesterol and other cells that settles discharges so that the blood supply to the muscle cells having inhibition. Ateroskleroris can occur anywhere in the body. Well, when it occurs in the heart wall it will be referred to as coronary disease or ischemic heart disease. The disease is chronic and lasts many diseases arise. This disease starts from the presence of vascular lesions and cracks, especially because there is a strong pressure on the heart vessels. Then in the next stage, the body will attempt to repair the cracks by placing the fatty substances in the blood vessels. Well, then gradually due to the recurrent fractures, heart vessels were covered by fatty substances. The initial symptoms of this disease is angina pectoris which causes pain in the heart and chest area due to reduced blood supply in the heart.
• Acute myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is the death of heart muscle caused by blockage of the coronary arteries.
• Heart Valve Disorders
Heart valve has a function to control the blood flow in the heart. Well if the heart valve abnormalities, it will interfere with the blood flow, the reduction, leakage, or imperfect closing. The heart valve abnormalities may be congenital or due to side effects of treatment.
• Congestive Heart Failure
Heart failure is a heart that is no longer able to pump blood around the body effectively. Said to fail not because the heart stops working, but also because the heart can not pump as strong as usual. As a result, blood can enter the lungs or other body parts.
• Cardiomyopathy
This disease is caused by damage or disruption to the heart muscle so that the walls of the heart become completely immobile when pumping blood and blood sucking. Of people with cardiomyopathy are also at high risk for suffering arritmatia and heart failure.
• Arritmatia
Arrhythmias has the meaning 'abnormal heart rhythm' caused by excitatory disturbances and delivery excitatory light or heavy heart.
• Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic heart disease is heart disease caused due to damage, cardiac valves caused by rheumatic fever. Streptococcal bacteria are one of the causes.
• Inflammatory Heart

This disease occurs in the heart wall, the membrane that surrounds the heart and inside the heart. This is caused by toxins and infections.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

on this day we will give you an article on tips to prevent heart disease article is a continuation of our previous post titled The Symptoms of Heart DiseaseTo reduce risk of coronary heart disease, you can do the following things: 

• Healthy diet 

Avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol. Seafood contains high cholesterol that can harm the heart. Reduce eating fried foods that contain lots of fat, otherwise the food can be prepared with boiled, steamed or baked. 

As much as possible, the food products we eat low-fat or nonfat. Choose milk, cheese, butter or other foods that are low in fat. Fry using olive oil has a little fat so that could be an option if the need to process food by frying. 

Besides avoiding fatty foods, avoid foods with sugar content is also high as soft drinks. Do not also consume too many carbohydrates, because in the body, carbohydrates are broken down into fat. In contrast, consumption of oats or wheat that can help keep the heart healthy. 

Keep your diet is not excessive to avoid obesity, because someone who has a waist circumference greater than 80 cm, greater risk of developing this disease. 

• Stop smoking 

Cigarette smoking is not good for heart health, then immediately stop this habit in order to keep the heart healthy.
• Avoid Stress 

Stress is very difficult to avoid when living in big cities like Jakarta, which is known for its jams and preoccupations. When a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol, which causes blood vessels to become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when suffering from stress, which may increase blood pressure. Thus, it is very good if you avoid the stress either in the office or at home. 

• Hypertension 

Problem of hypertension or high blood pressure can also cause heart disease. Hypertension can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arteries of LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque. 

• Obesity 

Overweight or obese increases the high blood pressure and abnormal fat. Avoiding or treating obesity or overweight is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes accelerates coronary heart disease and increases the risk of heart attack. 

• Exercise regularly 

You can do sports activities such as walking, brisk walking, or jogging. Sports activities are competitive and not too much work to strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation throughout the body. 

• Consumption of antioxidants 

Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or smoke created the emergence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposition in blood vessels that can lead to blockage. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, the need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. 

• Heredity 

A parents or siblings had a heart attack before age 60 have a greater risk of suffering from this disease. Therefore, if you have relatives who have had a heart attack, you should be more careful in keeping the diet and lifestyle can support a healthy heart.

The Symptoms of Heart Disease

This morning we will provide articles on the symptoms of heart disease article is a continuation of our previous post titled What is Coronary Heart Disease

1 Symptoms of shortness of breath
If you experience an unstable breathing aka shortness of breath, beware. Usually affected by asthma. However, an attack of shortness of breath is one symptom of heart disease. The explanation is that if there is heart disease sometimes - sometimes there is fluid into the lung cavity - lung, it is disturbing the air when it goes into the lungs - lungs until finally did experience shortness of breath. If when sleeping or resting, you experience shortness of breath, then you fall into the category of chronic heart disease or advanced.

2 Often dizziness and even fainting

If you often experience dizziness in the head until unconscious, then it is one of the symptoms of heart disease. Generally, people with heart disease experience it. This is a result of work on the weakened heart muscle so that blood being pumped does not work normally and the supply of blood to all parts of the body to be fucked.

3. often experience pain

If you are experiencing pain certain parts of the body, usually due to deficient supply of blood supply in some parts of the body. So that the body has cramps or pain. In addition, also experiencing chest pains every day. If you experience these symptoms see a doctor immediately.

4. heart palpitations often called palpitations.

Symptoms of this one should be on the alert as well. Symptoms often heart pounding often appear without reason you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Usually these symptoms are accompanied by other symptoms.

5. Easy fatigue and dizziness

When the body is often weak there is usually a supply of blood to the body is not working normally. In order not to weaken the performance of your heart would be nice check regularly and mild exercise. Avoid bad habits like alcohol, opium, or other smoking.

6. Indigestion

In one study known women are twice as likely to experience vomiting, nausea and indigestion for several months leading up to a heart attack than men. This condition occurs because of blockage of fat in the arteries reduces the blood supply to the heart that usually occurs on the chest can sometimes arise in the stomach.

Monday, August 25, 2014

What is Coronary Heart Disease

on this day we will give an explanation of coronary heart disease is our post from our previous post entitled Cononary Treat Heart Disease with Mangosteen Skin

What is it Coronary Heart Disease? 
coronary heart disease is a condition in which the heart can not work as it should, because the heart muscle is damaged by lack of oxygen. Coronary Heart Disease was initially caused by a buildup of fat in the walls of the blood vessels of the heart (coronary arteries), and this is gradually followed by various processes such as accumulation of connective tissue, blood clots, etc.., All of which will narrow or clog blood vessels the. This will result in the area of heart muscle is deprived of blood flow and can cause a variety of quite serious consequences, of angina pectoris (chest pain) to heart infarction, which is known in the community with a heart attack that can lead to sudden death.

What are the causes of Coronary Heart Disease?

The main cause of CHD is a narrowing of blood vessels due to fatty buildup, known as atherosclerosis.

What are the symptoms?

chest pain
shortness of breath
Heart Attack

How is diagnosis?

The doctor will ask about the patient's medical history of coronary heart disease, and then perform a physical examination and routine blood tests. Some checks can be performed to detect the presence of coronary heart disease, among others:
Electrocardiographic (ECG)
, The EKG can be known the possibility of abnormalities in the heart with a 40% accuracy rate.
, Using sound waves to produce images of the heart. During this process, the doctor can determine whether all parts of the heart wall contribute to normal heart pumping activity. Weak moving parts may have been damaged during a heart attack or receive too little oxygen. This may indicate coronary artery or a variety of other conditions.
Coronary catheterization
, To see the blood flow through the heart, the doctor may inject a special dye into a vein (intravenous). This is known as an angiogram. Dye is injected into the arteries of the heart through a long pipe, thin, flexible (catheter) is passed through an artery, usually in the legs, to the heart arteries. Dye spots marking the narrowing and blockage of the X-ray images.

If the patients examined had a blockage that requires treatment, the balloon can be pushed through the catheter and inflated to improve blood flow in the heart.

For early detection of Coronary Heart Disease can be examined:

Panel Risk of Coronary Heart Disease / Stroke,
which consists of the examination

Total cholesterol
HDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol

Glucose 2 hours PP
Anti-oxidant status
ACA (IgG, IgM)

Type of drugs given:

Cholesterol-modifying drugs
beta blockers
Inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Calcium channel blockers

Prevention can be done

stop smoking
Lowering blood pressure
Losing weight
Avoiding fatty foods

The impact of the Coronary Heart Disease

This disease can cause chest pain (angina), arising after the heavy work or emotional tension, while increasing cardiac oxygen demand can not be met due to narrowing of the coronary arteries.

Treat Cononary Heart Disease with Mangosteen Skin

in this post we will provide a very helpful article about the coronary heart disease can be treated with the mangosteen fruit of this article is a continuation of our previous post entitled on Hypertension and Heart Disorders
We first discuss what causes a person coronary heart disease? Causes of Coronary Heart is narrowing and blockages in the coronary arteries. This is due to the buildup of fatty triglycerides and cholesterol in the artery wall at the rear. Fat that accumulates over time will result in a blockage of blood flow and oxygen to the heart.

What are the symptoms or characteristics of people affected by coronary heart disease? 

  1.Chest tightness making it sometimes difficult to breathe. 
  2.Headache in a prolonged period of time. 
  3.The occurrence of chest pains and bone around the neck. 

Once we know the causes and symptoms of coronary heart disease how to treat it without any side effects? One is with mangosteen skin therapy. Why could mangosteen peel nutritious treat coronary heart disease?

This is due to xanthones mangosteen fruit contains compounds that produce antioxidants that counteract free radicals function. What is a free radical? Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that form when the molecule is divided to provide unpaired electrons in the molecule (a process called oxidation). Free radicals can damage important cellular molecules such as DNA, lipids, or other parts of the cell. Free radicals have been inferred as the primary cause of aging, cancer, heart disease and damage to other organs. These free radicals are quite harmful to the body because it can lead to deposition in blood vessels that can eventually lead to blockage and very risky in causing heart disease.

With antioxidants, free radicals can be removed from our body. In addition to antioxidants found in the skin of the mangosteen, xanthone compounds also contain anti-stress compounds that serve to lower your stress levels.

Efficacy of Mangosteen Skin Treatment For Coronary Heart is to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation thereby reducing the accumulation of fat that cause coronary heart disease.

With so many benefits contained in mangosteen skin, there is no reason to refuse to eat this fruit for your health. All it takes is patience because it is necessary for the continuity of skin mangosteen juice is.

The greatness of mangosteen skin juice

              berna Recovering from coronary heart disease with skin mangosteen juice mangosteen skin What causes powerful to overcome various diseases? Dr. Berna Elya Apt MSI, a pharmacist from the University of Indonesia, said that the mangosteen rind is very powerful to overcome a wide range of serious diseases because the content of xanthone compounds. This compound is a high level of antioxidants. Mangosteen skin antioxidant content 66.7 times higher than carrots and 8.3 times higher than oranges.

             Dr. Berna said that xanthones have hydroxide groups (OH) that effectively scavenge free radicals that damage cells. Value oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) xanthone reach 17000-20000. This is much higher than other antioxidants such as grape and apple were just 1,100 1,400.

            So how skin mangosteen juice is also able to treat cholesterol? One of a group of powerful antioxidants called xanthones alfamangostin will increase the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase and solving VLDLL (very low density lipoprotein). Because these enzymes help VLDLL be hydrolyzed into fatty acids and glycerol. Decomposition Byproducts such as cholesterol, phospholipids, and apoprotein converted into HDL (high density lipoprotein). As a result, the total levels of triglycerides and LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels down and increase HDL or good cholesterol.

             Why skin mangosteen juice is also very effective against cancer? Yukihiro Akao a researcher from the Institute of Biotechnology Gifu, Japan, discovered the secret. According alfamangostin role controlling cancer cell apoptosis by a mechanism alias cell suicide process. In addition alfamangostin also activates the immune system by stimulating natural killer cells to kill cancer cells that charge and viruses. Latest news, even skin mangosteen juice,

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hypertension and Heart Disorders


in this post we will provide articles on Hypertension and Heart Disorders article  is a continuation of our previous post titled rheumatic heart disease
Hypertension is not just a mere elevation of blood pressure, but it is a major risk factor impaired function of various organs such as the brain, kidneys and heart. The higher pressure the blood, the risk of organ damage organs more expensive. Each year 7 million people in
worldwide die from hypertension. Global health problem associated with hypertension isfelt worried and financing of health spending is high. In 2000alone there are nearly one billion people who suffer from hypertension, and this number expected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2025 two-thirds of patients with hypertensionliving in poor and developing countries.Most of the direct cause of hypertension is unknown. Various factors associated withgenetic and lifestyle such as physical inactivity, intake of foods rich in salt and fat as well as smoking and drinking alcohol plays a role in the surge in numbers of this hypertension.
Most people with hypertension do not feel any complaints. Zero complaints is what made a lot of people ignore the blood pressure spike. Still many people of the world who are less aware and alert to real threats hypertension The World Hypertension League for concern, so as specify any date this LeagueMay 17 as World Hypertension Day. World Hypertension Day serve as a momentum for global public awareness of the importance of preventing and controlling blood pressure. In 2011 the World Hypertension Day theme is "Know Your Number and Target Your Blood Pressure "(Know Your Blood Pressure and Control). This paper intended to recall the importance of considering blood pressure. Inspecifically discussed the relationship of hypertension and heart disease.


The pressure required for the constancy of blood flow that carries oxygen, nutrients and hormons to all body cells. Blood is pumped to the heart muscle generates pressure so it can flow through the blood vessels of the body when spread, estimated length is equal to 100 thousand km or 2.5 times the distance around the earth. Blood pressure is always listed with two numbers, for example 120/80. Figures 120 is the systolic pressure is the maximum pressure of the blood vessels when the heart contracts.Figure 80 is the diastolic pressure is the minimum blood pressure after the heart contracts. Blood pressure was measured with a single mmHg. What is blood pressure that is actually safe for body is a topic that continues to be the study of the experts. The current consensus of experts hypertension mention that blood pressure is considered normal if it is in the rangebelow 120/80 mmHg. Considered to have hypertension if your blood pressure reaches140/90 mmHg and above. The higher your blood pressure the greater the risk.Vigilance will trigger the arrival of hypertension experts to make classification prehypertension is systolic blood pressure in the range of 120-139 mmHg or a pressure diastolic blood is at a value of 80-90 mmHg.

Hypertension and Heart Disorders 

Hypertension potentially cause a variety of cardiac disorders such as coronary heart disease,heart failure to heart rhythm disturbances. Research results of the World Health Organization (WHO)showed nearly half of the cases of heart attack triggered by high blood pressure.Blood pressure continued to rise in the long term would disrupt endothelial function,cells lining the blood vessel wall. Endothelial dysfunction is starting a processformation of crusts that can narrow the coronary vessels canal, vessels that into the path of nutrients and energy for the heart. As a result, supply of essential substances for life heart cells so disturbed. Even in certain circumstances the elevation of blood pressure can coronary plaques crack it, so the blood flow so clogged that result in events heart attack. People with high blood pressure doubled the risk of suffering from diseases coronary heart disease. The risk of heart disease more than doubled if the patient blood pressure
high also suffered from diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, or used to smoke.Not only the coronary vessels affected by hypertension, but also muscle heart. Continuous blood pressure high will overload the left ventricle of the heart muscle serves as the primary pump blood. Initially the left ventricle muscle will thicken as compensation to overcome the burden of blood pressure. When the elevation of pressure never addressed the cardiac pump function would be decreased. Weak heart function due to hypertension
is a condition that can not be restored. Current medications only able to prevent decrease the progression of heart function. Hypertension can also cause heart rhythm disturbances. Rhythm disturbances are the most
often are called atrial fibrillation, a type of heart rhythm that makes auricle vibrates irregularly. This rhythm disorders can lead to blood clots in the heart chambers. When these blood clots can be separated
burrow clog blood vessels of the brain and cause a stroke.

Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension 

Treatment of hypertension can now be done more easily than ever before. Have various types of hypertension medications available that can be customized with a variety of conditions accompanies hypertension. Hypertensive drugs are not always expensive either. Has been available for broad generic hypertension drug with a relatively affordable price. Because hypertension usually accompanied by other risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia and diabetes thentreatment of comorbid risk factors seem to be important. In the coming era, willdeveloping so-called pharmacogenetic treatment of hypertension. In this method, drugs given will be tailored to the person's response genes.
Antihypertensive drugs will not act effectively when not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. Even healthy lifestyle is the main strategy of prevention and control of hypertension. Lifestyle helpful healthy lifestyle which are active, maintaining a healthy weight, eating balanced nutrition by reducing salt intake and stopping smoking.Related to this healthy lifestyle, the role of medical experts is limited. Required extensive role
government and society including non-governmental organizations and political organizations totogether to encourage and develop the healthy lifestyle. So, let's DayWorld Hypertension we make the right momentum for joint reflection materials andjoint initiative movement.

What is Rheumatic Heart Disease

in this post we will provide articles on article rheumatic heart disease is a continuation of our previous post titled Hallmark of Heart Disease  Rheumatic Heart Disease in medical language or Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is one of the most serious forms of diseases of the heart disease of childhood and adolescence. Rheumatic heart disease is caused due to damage to the entire heart and its membranes. Rheumatic heart disease is a complication of rheumatic fever and usually occurs after attacks of rheumatic fever. The incidence of rheumatic heart disease has been greatly reduced by the widespread use of antibiotics that are effective against streptococcus bacteria that cause rheumatic fever. 

                  Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease (inflammatory) which may arise as a complication of infection of the throat (pharyngitis) untreated or not properly treated. Inflammation can then occur in the joints, heart, brain and skin. Well, if the inflammation occurs in the heart of what is called rheumatic heart disease. If rheumatic heart disease to occur, there will be a permanent defect in the heart, especially on the heart valves, but it can also be on the heart muscle itself. It can not be cured with medication. Especially if affected is the heart valve, the valve is no longer open and close properly, so it can be changes in blood flow. Rheumatic fever is most common in the age 5 to 15 years and very rarely occurs in under 5 or over 15 years, especially in adults.

Symptoms of Rheumatic Heart Disease 

                  Patients generally experience shortness of breath caused already impaired heart, painful joints that move, reddish patches of skin that bounded, hand movements, irregular and uncontrollable (Korean), or a small lump under the skin. In addition, the sign is also accompanying abdominal pain, weight loss, increased fatigue and fever of course.
Rheumatic Heart Disease Prevention
The best defense against rheumatic heart disease is to prevent rheumatic fever from ever occurring. By treating strep throat with penicillin or other antibiotics, doctors can usually stop acute rheumatic fever from developing.
People who have been stricken with rheumatic fever are more prone to recurrent attacks and heart damage. That is why they will get continuous antibiotic treatment monthly or daily, perhaps for life. If their hearts had been damaged by rheumatic fever, they are also at increased risk for developing infective endocarditis (also known as bacterial endocarditis), infection of the lining or the heart valves.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hallmark of Heart Disease

On this occasion we will provide articles on heart disease more accurately about the traits or symptoms of heart disease, as we know heart disease is the number one killer in the world in America alone topped heart disease as a human killer, new after the traffic accidents and cancer diseases 
Heart disease sufferers often ignored not only the lack of knowledge about the symptoms of heart disease but also because of the high cost of care and treatment of this disease. From day to day with heart disease in America is increasing not only among adults is caused from the age factor but also among teenagers and even children though read Congenital Heart Disease in Children 
As written earlier average initial heart disease patients have even less attention to deliberately ignore the symptoms of the disease symptoms. With an attitude like that would be bad for their health later in life .Which worse heart disease is divided into several types of which are heart disease, rheumatic heart, hypertensive heart and congenital heart disease caused by lung - lung. so the patient will be difficult to determine what type of heart disease in misery than that sufferers will also experience difficulties related to the search problem of intensive treatment. 
Some of the symptoms - symptoms of heart disease that is often ignored is

1 Excessive Anxiety 
2 Often fatigue 
3 Swelling of the legs and abdomen 
4 Pain in the chest 
5. Breath tightness 
6 Nausea excessive 
7 irregular heartbeat rhythm 
8 Often sweating 

Heart disease arises due to irregular lifestyle and lack of attention to the physical condition of the body in some cases in the United States many people have died of a heart attack this attack occurs suddenly and at once the patient had died instantly. Actually abnormalities of the heart can be detected already with us immediately recognize symptoms and treat it better if we take precautions beforehand. 

Probably got here just an article about the symptoms of heart disease is less clear if that can be asked in the comment box below and thank you so

Congenital Heart Disease in Children

In this post we will provide article titled about congenital heart disease in infants of this article is a continuation of our previous post titled 10 Ways To Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

what are the symptoms of congenital heart disease....?

Congenital heart disease in children under five are still quite a lot of sufferers. Fortunately This disease can be overcome even if the cost is quite large. Also we must be very careful when children suffering from a sorethroat. Because, if not totally eliminated, the streptococcus bacteria be the source can lead to rheumatic heart disease is difficult to cure.Congenital heart disease in children is not a rare disease. Among the 1,000 children born alive in the United States. Thus, this disorder is not only suffered by children in developing countries or poor. Better known as leaky heart or blue heart disease, among other disorders because the bulkhead separator chambers or left and right auricle or not closed yet perfect. As a result, the heart does not function properly And the heart that pumps blood throughout the body. Blood containing 96% acidic substances (blood clean fresh red) of the left ventricle of heart flows throughout the body through the arteries. When returning to the right ventricle, the blood is no longer clean and color changed to older. At that time the levels of acidic substances stay around 60%. However, The next dirty blood is pumped back from the right ventricle, flow into the lungs for

                inhalation of acid to become clean again. That blood flow in the body, which unabated throughout our lives.If the separator is not sealed bulkhead perfect, of course, bad blood will be mixed with blood clean. This may lead to impaired cardiac work, so often issued blue signs, particularly on the fingernails and lips sufferers. However, if levels of acidic substances in the blood is still around 80%, generally not to bring signs
blue, Growth of children who suffer cardiac septum leakage is also inhibited. appetite reduced and infants with this disease generally strong not suck milk. Children looked lethargic and easy to accomplish. When X-rayed, the heart appeared enlarged and the examinationstethoscope noisy sound (murmur). In addition, children unrelenting cough\and fever. Congenital disease called because a leak occurs in the womb. Supposedly, baby's heart is fully formed by the age of three months of pregnancy. But, because of some
things such as the mother's German measles or rubella, there was imperfection that. According to dr. Ganesja, mothers who gave birth at age 35 years and over, or her husband had elderly (over 55 years) was sufficient risk of having babies with these birth defects. Tranquilizers, painkillers nausea or certain herbs given during early pregnancy, exposure to radiation, lack of vitamins, smoking (active and passive smokers) also
could be a culprit. Plus other genetic factors that are not or have not known cause. Leakage heart bulkhead between the patients with another is not the same. However, many were lucky because the bulkhead closed by itself before a child two years,

                  Whenever bulkhead can or needs to be corrected, when no longer needed or can not be corrected,according to The heart specialist, depending on whether or not the patient is quickly sent to the doctor. Sometimes, the leak is so small so it does not need to be corrected because it will not
interfere with his health throughout his life. The suffering will be severe if the leak is large enough settling for
many years, for example, until the child reaches the age of 9-10 years. If blood clean dirty blood mixed silenced for so long, there will be a change in the his lungs. Because the lungs will continue to accommodate excessively dirty blood which will accumulate over time, so it can lead to increased blood pressure in
lungs. Circumstances it is called pulmonary hypertension. Symptoms, patients often feel shortness of breath,
very lethargic, and weak. Child's face also appears bluish. These conditions have said to be severe and difficult to be repaired again. The late incident, according to dr. Ganesja, approximately
2% of the total patients. The delay is usually due to ignorance of the parents with
about these defects, costs, lack of information, or inadvertence of the doctors who examined him.

                   Infants aged a single day, if in a pinch, can be 'repaired', Although of course the greater the age of the baby will be more easily because the heart gets bigger organ difficulty level surgery of congenital heart disease, according to dr. Jusuf Rachmat, specialist cardiac surgery from the same hospital, is highly dependent on the location and severity ofthe disorder. There are quite a one-time correction, there is a gradually until
several times. During open-heart surgery is necessary machinery heart-lung function that replaces the heart and lungs for a while.

                  Leaks in the bulkhead chambers of the heart, as it says dr. Jusuf, more easily repaired compared with bulkhead auricle. Because, the portico walls thin and pressure is not high, whereas at higher chamber pressure and muscle thickness. Small cubicles leak enough 'stitched' alone. In the larger leaks need 'patched' with the wrapping membranes of heart, he said. While leaks in booth 'patched' with some kind of synthetic fabric material dekron or Gortex, the lifetime life will not be rejected or can be fused with the body.
The success rate of congenital heart surgery, according to this cardiac surgeon, the better. Now success can be above 95% and the children will stay healthy until grew up, he said. Failure generally because there are factors other abnormalities outside the congenital disease,

Damaged heart valves

         In addition to heart disease bulkhead leaks, no longer a heart disease in children is often suffered, namely rheumatic heart disease. Therefore do not be taken lightly when your child sudden high fever (39 - 40oC) coupled with a red throat white patches. Who knew he was stricken with streptococcal bacteria. If these germs are not completely eradicated by antibiotics or penicillin, it is feared will leave toxins
trigger rheumatic fever 1-2 months later. According to dr. Ganesja, the number of patients with rheumatic fever who come to Hope Heart Hospital We're in one year about 10-20 children aged 5-6 years. Average of rheumatic heart disease among children from low socio-economic communities in the country with a dense population, such as Indonesia, India, and the PRC. Because the state of their homes many slums,
less hygienic plus the distance between neighbors are very close together so that the bacteria easily transmitted to other children. To watch, every sore throat without antibiotic treatment appears
cured, not considered safe. Be careful also when other symptoms such as pain in the moving joints, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, raised patches red or small bumps on the skin. Plus the kids perform movements unusual and uncontrolled like to move their heads or hands. Therefore,
Such signs may be symptoms of rheumatic fever if not immediately resolved, the child could be damaged or wrinkled heart valves or muscle weakness heart. Immediate treatment is penicillin injections every four weeks once for five years. The cost of all injecting approximately USD 25,000, -. For more severe
circumstances treatment can be up to 25 years! Inevitably this must be done regularly until complete so as not to relapse again. Because if negligent, could occur recurrence is more severe, said dr. Ganesja.Dan is common in ur society, dr. Jusuf. This cost is still cheaper than if you had surgery to repair or replace the damaged valve. According to dr. Jusuf, replacement of the valve can sometimes the patient's own body tissues, or to be of synthetic material. Most of the time the damage or necking can occur in two valves.
In the case of heart muscle weakness, completely healing often difficult to achieve, except at most, with the help of drugs throughout his life.

                   Dr. Ganesja recognized, the issue of cost is a major barrier to treatment or surgery. How could they fund operations worth up to USD 35 million? said dr. Ganesja Especially if you have to replace the valve of similar material metal exorbitant price and durability is only about 10 years old & quot ;. The price of a
valve approximately USD 12 million - USD 20 million. In congenital heart disease were on average elderly patient is still relatively young, with average income mediocre. In fact, the cost began to USD 10-15 million (for those which only requires one surgery) to USD 24-35 million! Therefore funding from third parties such as the Indonesian Heart Foundation, the donation viewers and lovers of a favorite show on a private television station, etc.. course is a noble act and be one solution to the problem costs on those who are less fortunate. The hospital in this case has also been provide special funds for those less fortunate, but still not sufficient.
They, toddlers and people with other congenital heart defects originating from
families can not afford, we still need a helping hand so that they can meet a better future.